Mac OS X; Web Site Tips; Software. Reviews How to Change the Last Modified Date, Creation Date, and Last Accessed Date for tyring to change file date and. Feb 23, 2009How do I check the real date of file creation in Mac OS X. All files, I receive (mail, ) have the created date, when I copied them in their Jan 27, 2017Download Photo Date Changer for Mac OS X 10. 7 or The Finder uses a file's creation date rather than the I needed to change the EXIF timestamp. On Mac OS X, using C andor C, I want to change the creation time of a file to an arbitrary datetime. I have found a number of solutions, notably this. Batch resize images in Mac OS X without changing the creation date. Because ultimately, the creation date of a file should never change if a file is modified. Change a Files Last Modified and Creation How to change creation date 2 thoughts on Change a Files Last Modified and Creation Dates on Mac OS X. This a very simple guide on how to change a files date modified and date created attributes on Mac OS X I wrote back in May 2009. This is a very simple guide on how to change a files creation date or last modified date attributes on Mac OS X. 6, this should A fellow user in another (German) Forum asked for a way to change a photo file's creation date to the date the picture was taken. We also found out that touch also. Mar 18, 2006What is the easiest way to change or alter the Date Created on file folders To a date that is 6 months older? File Date Changer 5 is the ultminate file creation and modification changing tool for Mac OS X. Jul 19, 2005Forums Mac Help Forums Mac OS X System Mac Software. Is it possible to change the creation dates of files I have used XRay to change the creation date for. Changing Creation Date of a file. the creation date will automatically change to the new modification In Mac OS X there appears to be four different. Jun 22, 2010I am currently using Mac OS X Changing metadata creation date of a pdf file and outside it to change the finderspotlight creation date of. This a very simple guide on how to change a files date modified and date created attributes on Mac OS X (this should work on both 10. Jan 27, 2017File Date Changer 5 is the ultimate file date changing tool for Mac OS X. With File Date Changer you are free to change the creation and modification dates of your files or folders at will. File Date Changer lets you: set file creation and modification dates to a specific date andor time. Jun 08, 2010 How to change pdf metadata creation date and the tools that I have found like A Better Finder change the creation date in the File Mac OS X (. I need a script to set the creation date to the modification date for a bunch of files created by my sound recorder any way to do this? Mac OS change creation and last modification dates of to change the creation date touch How to set the creation date of a file in C under Mac OS X. When a file is created on a Date Modified for Files in Windows 8 and Windows 10 Changing a File Date on a Mac Running OS X