Oct 01, 2003The most beautiful greeting in the word. Synonyms for comrade at Thesaurus. com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. In the thick of 1980's Cold War hysteria, the Romanian government created the country's most popular and longestrunning series, Comrade Detective, a sleek and gritty. GameSpy is your source for PC gaming intelligence, with the latest PC game news, reviews, previews, release dates and files demos, mods, patches and trailers Comrade definition, a person who shares in one's activities, occupation, etc. ; companion, associate, or friend. A person who shares one's interests or activities; a friend or companion. often Comrade A fellow member of a group. Comrade Web Agency Chicago based Awardwinning digital agency with Inbound Marketing Web Development, design, SEO, SEM and Social Media services. Comradery and its much more common synonym camaraderie come from the French word camarade, which means comrade, and whose Middle French ancestor was also the source. Comrade Detective is an American satire buddy cop show created by Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka. The show parodies Communist propaganda and US. Definition of comrade in the Legal Dictionary by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Meaning of comrade as a legal term. Derived from French camarade, which was in turn derived from Latin camara, this term means one with whom feelings of camaraderie are shared. The definition of a comrade is a friend or someone who shares interests with another. often Comrade A fellow member of a group, especially a fellow member of the Communist Party. comrade meaning, definition, what is comrade: a friend, especially one who you have been involved in difficult or dangerous, usually. Looking for online definition of COMRADE or what COMRADE stands for? COMRADE is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of. Define comrade: an intimate friend or associate: companion; a fellow soldier; communist comrade in a sentence Comrade is a fullservice digital agency focused on creating brand and digital experiences people love. The latest Tweets from Linsey Higgins (@mintyhiggins). Wanganui District, New Zealand The term comrade is used to mean friend, mate, colleague, or ally, and derives from the Iberian Romance language term camarada, literally meaning chamber. Your close friend or associate is your comrade. Teenagers often prefer seeing movies with a comrade or two, rather than with their parents.