Contemporary English Version 1995 American Bible Society. Bible text from the Contemporary English Version (CEV) is not to be reproduced in. The Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible at a lowcost outreach price. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version English (EN) 1: English Standard Version (ESV) Top. Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version [American Bible Society on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. This special edition uses the highly trusted. English Standard Version Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version [American Bible Society on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. John 1, Contemporary English Version (CEVDCUS06) The Word of Life In the beginning was the onewho is called the Word. The Word was with Godand was truly God. Shop Online's Largest Bookstore For Bibles, Bible Study Books Religious Books. Find great deals on eBay for contemporary english version bible and english version bible. Uncompromising simplicity marked the American Bible Society's (ABS) translation of the Contemporary English Version (CEV) that was first published in 1995. The text is easily read by grade schoolers, second language readers, and those who prefer the more. Shop for Bibles, CEVContemporary English Version and much more. Find great deals on eBay for holy bible contemporary english version and contemporary english version bible. The Contemporary English Version. , Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version. New York: American Bible Society, 1995. New Living Translation Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version. by American Bible Society starting at 0. Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version. has 1 available editions to buy at. The Paperback of the Holy Bible: Contemporary English Version by Staff of American Bible Society at Barnes Noble. New Century Version CEV Contemporary English Version Bible is an easy to read Bible that unlocks the deeper meaning and brings the Living Word in a new perspective. Jan 01, 1995Holy Bible has 265 ratings and 22 reviews. Bryan457 said: A very enjoyable modern language translation of the Bible. Like most translations, there were p Good News Bible Sep 29, 2017This Bible Version in contemporary English was Download the Holy Bible now completely free and This is not the contemporary english version. The Contemporary English (CEV) Bible, Bibles in the CEV. The Contemporary English Version or CEV (also known as Bible for Today's Family) is a translation of the Bible into English, published by the American Bible Society. An anglicized version was produced by the British and Foreign Bible Society, which includes metric measurements for. Sep 15, 2017English Bible free download. Holy The Contemporary English Bible version includes annotations and extended definitions at Offline Version of