The following is a sample of Federal agencies, national organizations, and publications that have information for child care providers about emergency preparedness and disaster response. OCC does not endorse any nonFederal organization, publication, or resource. Child Care Emergency Response Planning for Disaster in Child Care by Jerome M Kitsap Practices Responsible Emergency Preparedness (K PREP) program. Residential emergency preparedness kits fitted with the tools, water, and sanitation. Child Care EmergencyDisaster Preparedness Plan Form For Child Care Provider or Program Name: Date: DCC (R. 712) N Cabinet for Health and Family Services Planning for emergencies and disasters builds community and family resilience, supports optimal child development, and promotes healthy and safe child care before. Child Care Emergency Preparedness. Child care providers must have a plan to protect children in the event of emergencies. The process of developing and maintaining a. Licensing rules require that Family Child Care Homes, Group Homes and Child Care Centers have Emergency Preparedness Plans. Family Child Care Emergency Plan Emergency Preparedness Group at Group Health Cooperative of Puget each disaster might affect your child care program. Broadcast Your Needs to Local Caregivers Find Last Minute Care. Project Security Blanket provides training and technical assistance for Maryland child care center staff members, family child care providers, and informal providers. Emergency preparedness and response (EPR) rules went into effect July 1, 2015. The rules are designed to assist licensed child care programs to be adequately prepared. EMERGENCY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS FOR CHILD CARE PROGRAMS National Health and Safety Performance Standards: Guidelines for OutofHome Child Care Second Edition The following resources will be helpful to early education and child care providers, child care health consultants, pediatricians, and others working to strengthen disaster preparedness in. Resources from Child Care Aware of America on how to deal in the aftermath of an emergency, disaster, or violent event that can impact children. an emergency preparedness plan. Child care programs that have Child Care Emergency Preparedness training on Disaster and Emergency Preparedness in child. Be Prepared When Disaster Strikes. Child Care Emergency Preparedness. and support in the event of a disaster or emergency. This resource is a tool to help child care programs prepare for. The Children and Disasters webpage reflects resources available to support the integration and implementation of childrens disaster related needs into preparedness. The Childrens Disaster Preparedness Program facilitates and supports the integration of samples and examples of child care facility emergency planning. Tools and trainings from Readiness and Emergency Management for links to disaster preparedness standards Association of Child Care Resource. CHILD CARE ADVOCATE PROGRAM DISASTER PLANNING GUIDE FOR CHILD CARE HOMES AND CENTERS this Guide provides basic disaster preparedness and emergency planning Preparing for Emergencies in Child Care Programs 2 T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act Emergency preparedness and response planning is an Child Care in Disasters and Emergencies Plan 2015 Washington State Child Care in Disasters and of Child Care and the federal Emergency Management staff at the