PoS(ICRC2015)412 Hadronic interactions of CRs with FLUKA M. Introduction According to the currently accepted scenario, Galactic Cosmic Rays (CRs) are. Official FullText Paper (PDF): Hadronic interactions of primary cosmic rays with the FLUKA code 30TH INTERNATIONAL COSMIC RAY CONFERENCE ICRCa Ivlerida, Mexico Comparison of Fluka2006 Monte Carlo Simulation and Flight data for the ATIC detector. Elsevier Science 1 1 FLUKA as a new high energy cosmic ray generator 2 Giuseppe Battistonia, Annarita Margiottab, Silvia Muraroa, Maximiliano Siolib A Comprehensive Comparison for Simulations of Cosmic Ray The two leading simulation frameworks used for the simulation of cosmic ray muons underground are FLUKA. 16 Special source: cosmic rays. Cosmic ray calculations can be done with FLUKA using the input commands GCRSPE (for initialisation purposes) and SPECSOUR. In addition, several auxiliary standalone programs need to be used to prepare the geometry and. Abstract: The measured fluxes of secondary particles produced by the interactions of cosmic rays with the astronomical environment represent a powerful tool to infer. Primary cosmic ray spectra and interplanetary modulation according to measured solar activity on a daytoday basis are available effects are. Comparison of the Transport Codes HZETRN, HETC and FLUKA for Galactic Cosmic Rays John H. Practical Applications of Cosmic Ray Science: Spacecraft, Aircraft, Ground Based Computation and Control Systems, FLUKA based methods. Work supported in part by the US Department of Energy contract DEAC0276SF The hadronic models for cosmic ray physics: the FLUKA code solutions University College of London Department of Physics and Astronomy MSc Physics, MSc Thesis COSMICRAY MUON TOMOGRAPHY FOR ANTITERRORISM APPLICATIONS Elsevier Science 1 Journal logo 1 FLUKA as a new high energy cosmic ray generator 2 Giuseppe Battistonia, Annarita Margiottab, Silvia Muraroa, Maximiliano Siolib a 3. Calculation of atmospheric muons from cosmic gamma rays The 2000 version of the FLUKA Monte Carlo code (Fasso recent cosmic ray studies. Secondary Cosmic Ray in the investigation of Very High and Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays been then used to assess the FLUKA performance on cosmic ray. Comparison of the transport codes In addition to galactic cosmic rays F. AgharaComparison of the transport codes HZETRN, HETC and FLUKA. Hadronic interactions of CRs with FLUKA M. Introduction According to the currently accepted scenario, Galactic Cosmic Rays (CRs) are accelerated PROCEEDINGS OF THE 31st ICRC, OD Z 2009 1 The FLUKA cosmic ray generator for the high energy region. Results and data comparison for the charge ratio of TeV muons In this framework a new generator for high energy cosmic rays has been developed to extend the existing FLUKA cosmic ray library up to the TeV region. Abstract: The measured fluxes of secondary particles produced by the interactions of cosmic rays with the astronomical environment represent a powerful tool to infer