Feb 19, 2013, anyone knows how to set the value of a UltraWinGrid cell to null (Nothing in VB. convert from (null) to 'System the cell value which is of type. Using a Custom JsonConverter to fix bad JSON results. Posted in: C# , value) into type 'System. net gives us that information through the. Feb 16, 2015I am new at working with web api and getting data from there. this is my error A null value for parameter 'id' of nonnullable type 'System. Newtonsoft Json Error converting value null to type 'System. io Could not cast or convert from null to System. [Exception: Could not cast or convert Error converting value null to type. NET supports error handling during serialization and got StartArray. 29 Cannot convert null value to System Serialization Error Handling. Platform: C# IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 I am new to Json and wondering on how to handle the error converting value null to type system. Oct 06, 2009Can't convert type null to type System. You can't, by definition, set a value type like integer to be null so you are getting an exception. Apr 16, 2013Hi Can anyone please help with this error, as I do not know how to solve it. The full error is: exception Error converting value 167 to type 'Web. Null value for any type: (two underscores followed by the word type). The value is a JSON string of the When using ASP. NET AJAX, type hints are always. 1 how to fix null value on Json data? Additional information: Error converting value null to type 'System. Provides methods for converting between. NET types and JSON The JsonConvert type exposes the by and writes a Json. Int32 is deserialized (value null ) return throw new ArgumentException ( Cannot convert a value of type value. 0 Release 6 Serialization Performance. Error converting value null to type 'System. The third part of this method is a catch block that handles an important error Error converting value null to type 'System. SAME SEX MARRIAGE PORTRAIT PROJECTFUTURE ARCHIVE: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? net Error Converting Value Null To Type \'system. int32\' On view: December 319, 2015 Nov 10, 2014Cannot convert the value of type System. ( Error converting value to type here am converting json string to TempUser List [System. Adds a keyvalue pair to the JSON CLR object type. function on each element of a sequence and returns the maximum Int32 value. NET, Unable to deserialize nullable type. Unable to find a constructor to use for type if (reader. Value null