Translations for kidnap in the PONS Online English German Dictionary: to kidnap sb, kidnap The 17yearold daughter of a businessman has been kidnapped in the Eastern German city of Meissen and a 1. The kidnap of General Heinrich Kreipe was a Second World War operation by the Special Operations Executive (SOE), Hunted by German patrols. A German woman and her Afghan guard were killed, and a Finnish woman apparently kidnapped, at an international guesthouse run by a Swedishbased charity in. Nigerian security forces have freed two German archaeologists kidnapped by gunmen at a remote dig site. The two academics were at the German embassy in Abuja on. Translation for 'kidnap' in the free EnglishGerman dictionary and many other German translations. German Translation of kidnap The official Collins EnglishGerman Dictionary online. Over 100, 000 German translations of English words and phrases. take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom; The industrialist's son was kidnapped German Translation of kidnapping The official Collins EnglishGerman Dictionary online. Over 100, 000 German translations of English words and phrases. Learn more in the Cambridge EnglishGerman Dictionary. Aug 18, 2015A 17yearold girl who was kidnapped in Germany last week and held for ransom has been found dead. Police said a body discovered near Meissen on Monday. Nov 08, 2016Philippinesbased Islamist extremist group Abu Sayyaf says it has abducted a German man off the coast of Malaysia, according to the Philippine military. A German woman has been kidnapped at gunpint in Kabul, a senior Afghan police official said Monday. The woman is believed to be employed by a German government aid. The last sound the father of murdered German kidnap victim AnneliMarie R. heard from his daughter were her screams in the background as he spoke with one of her. Kidnapping of children by Nazi Germany; German medical experiments on kidnapped children. Those children who did not pass harsh Nazi exams and criteria and. Apr 24, 2017Video embeddedKIDNAPPED Trailer German Deutsch (2010) HD Duration: 1: 13. Aug 23, 2017Video embeddedOffizieller Kidnap Trailer Deutsch German Abonnieren (OT: Kidnap) Movie# Trailer Verkaufsstart 21 Sep 2017 Filminfos. MAINZ, Germany The body of a kidnapped 17yearold girl, whose captors demanded a 1. 3million ransom for her release, has been found in eastern Germany, police. Aug 18, 2015A teenage girl has been found dead in Germany after being kidnapped and held to ransom for 1. Six crew members from a Germanowned container ship, including the captain, have been kidnapped off the coast of southern Nigeria, maritime security analysts said.