Can you improve the answer. How can the answer be improved. Buy Pairing Off [CD online at Best Buy. Preview songs and read reviews. Free shipping on thousands of items. PAIRINGOFF definition In the practice of legislative bodies, this is the name given to a species of negative proxies, by which two members, who belong to opposite. Definition of PairingOff in the Legal Dictionary by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Meaning of PairingOff as a legal term. Pairing Off is an album by saxophonist Phil Woods' Septet recorded in 1956 and released on the Prestige label. Professional ratings; Review scores. The NOOK Book (eBook) of the Pairing Off by Elizabeth Harmon at Barnes Noble. A purchase of securities to offset a previously transacted sale of the same security. A transaction in securities markets where offsetting buy and sell trades. Pairing Off (Red Hot Russians) Kindle edition by Elizabeth Harmon. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. A legislative practice, said to have originated in the time of Cromwell, whereby legislators of opposite opinions agree not to vote on a given measure. Synonyms for pairing off at Thesaurus. com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day. 1: to join together in a romantic relationship He hated being single while his friends were pairing off and having kids. 2: to join or to cause others to join to form a group of two People paired off for the next dance. DEFINITION of 'Pairing Off' An illegal practice of a brokerage firm offsetting short and long positions between house accounts by collecting cash payments without. Synonyms for pairing off in Free Thesaurus. 66 synonyms for pair: set, match, combination, doublet, matched set, two of a kind, couple. Pairing Off has 241 ratings and 76 reviews. Angie said: Originally reviewed here @ AngievilleI have my pal Li to thank for steering me in the direction Pairing Off is the second episode of season two of Boy Meets World, and the 24th episode Directed by David Trainer. With Ben Savage, William Daniels, Betsy Randle, Will Friedle. Eric gives Cory advice on girls. Definition of pairing off: A practice between brokerage firms where short and long positions are bought and sold but then are settled in cash, so the Definition of pairing off in the Financial Dictionary by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Meaning of pairing off as a finance term. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Pairing Off Phil Woods, Phil Woods Septet on AllMusic 1956 The title of this excellent LP. pair off meaning, definition, what is pair off: to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone: . pairing off synonyms, pairing off pronunciation, pairing off translation, English dictionary definition of pairing off.