W. Somerset Maugham, Writer: The Painted Veil. Popular British novelist, playwright, shortstory writer and the highestpaid author in the world in the 1930s. Cakes and Ale Rain by Somerset Maugham Comment on the significance Comment on the significance of the recurrent image of rain in this short story. Project Gutenberg's The Trembling of a Leaf, by William Somerset Maugham This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at but he knew that rain would bring. Somerset Maugham was born in Paris in 1874. He trained as a doctor in London, where he started writing his first novels. Nov 08, 2009Rain is a short story by W. I am a newbie to Maugham, even though I have acquired quite a collection of his. Somerset MAUGHAM One of Maugham's most famous short stories, Rain unfolds in a soggy tropical paradise marred by selfrighteous hypocrites trying to. Somerset Maugham ( ) Rain (1921) It was nearly bedtime and when they awoke next morning land would be in sight. Macphail lit his pipe and, leaning. Rain charts the moral disintegration of a missionary attempting to convert a Pacific island prostitute named Sadie Thompson. (Introduction by an excerpt from Wikipedia) Rain and Other South Sea Stories has 1, 282 ratings and 96 reviews. Diane S said: The short story Rain, may be one of the best short stories I have ever The Razor's Edge Mar 18, 2012A group of travelers find themselves stranded on an island in Samoa. The schooner which is supposed to bring them to their destination has been quarantined. Home Blog One of the ongoing projects that I have started is to collect performances of W. Somerset Maugham's plays, which are more robust than I would have imagined. Of Human Bondage Complete summary of W. eNotes plot summaries cover all the significant action of Rain. Rain and Other South Sea Stories (Dover Thrift Editions) [W. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. William Somerset Maugham CH ( m m MAWM; 25 January 1874 16 December 1965), better known as W. Somerset Maugham, Rain, in particular. This detailed literature summary also contains Literary Precedents and a Free Quiz on Rain by W. Directed by: Lewis Milestone (uncredited) Produced by: Lewis Milestone: Written by: W. Somerset Maugham (story) Maxwell Anderson (adaptation) Based on: Rain (play) by. Aug 08, 2012Video embeddedSubtitles available. Video embeddedLibriVox recording of Rain, by W. One of Maugham's most famous short stories, Rain unfolds in a soggy tropical May 01, 2015Rain is probably the best short story written by Somerset Maugham in its length and characterization it is more like a novella but of course it. Rain has 228 ratings and 30 reviews.