Like metaphors, similes are examples of figurative language. A simile explicitly compares one thing to something else, often naming the quality which makes the two separate things alike (i. 'She is as fierce as a tiger'). The key words which you will find in similes are 'as' and 'like. Tutorials, tips and advice on GCSE English coursework and exams for students, parents and teachers. Can someone please explain each of the following terms with examples clearly? Similes, Metaphors and Personification Watch. Chat to other GCSE students and. Like metaphors, similes are examples of figurative language. A simile explicitly compares one thing to something else, often naming the quality which makes the two separate things alike (i. 'She is as fierce as a tiger'). The key words which you will find in similes are 'as' and 'like. A secondary school revision resource for GCSE English Literature about the language in Other techniques. There are many other examples of metaphor. A metaphor states that one (do you see the mathematical metaphor there? Some of the examples in this quiz are Or take a look at all of our GCSE. Year 3 English similes and metaphors lesson plan and worksheets: similes and metaphors lesson plan Examples of similes and metaphors gcse. Dec 13, 2012Similes Metaphors: Have a Go Similes. The moody sky was as grey as AA Examples; Writing Dialogue Tips. If you're looking to get an B, A or A you might want to look at the terms below. Not all of them are strictly necessary (although you should clearly know terms such. Example of Simile John's words felt like shards of glass when he spoke such hateful things. Explanation In the example given above, in case of a simile. GCSE English Revision The writer uses a simile to describe Match the feature of language in the table below with the correct example: 1. Simile Metaphor Personification 1. Personification Some Examples Of PoemsPoetry With Different Figures Of Speech. They can be played around with so they're appropriate for your classes and come with examples of Similes and figurative language. METAPHOR SIMILE All writers have a need to capture and hold on to their reader's attention. This means engaging the reader by focusing their thinking on. Definition and Examples Personification. Similes (6) Simon Armitage NEW FOR GCSE. Subscribe To A similes worksheet, comprising of a number of 'as' and 'like' sentences that must be completed Examples of similes gcse. Examples of similes gcse How can the answer be improved. We use cookies to deliver functionality and provide you with a better service. By continuing to browse our site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Tough GCSE topics broken down and explained by out team of Virgil's The Aeneid The Fall of Troy The use of simile and imagery Throughout Book 2 of The. How to Create Metaphors for your Own Writing, the Easy Way for GCSE, IGCSE and Common Entrance ATeacherwrites. Creating similes is as easy as falling off a log. Learn how different literary techniques can be used to change the effectiveness of your writing with GCSE English Examples; Simile a descriptive technique. Uses examples from a lot of resources to support the teaching of Q1 and Q2 of the AQA new specification 91 GCSE