Download the latest firmware for GALAXY Y with model code GTS5360. 0 Oreo update; Galaxy S9; Galaxy S9 Search. S5360WGMC2 Here you can download firmware gingerbread shared files: Gingerbread. com Update galaxy y gt s5363 with official value pack gingerbread 2 3 6. Procedure To Update Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 With Gingerbread Procedure To Update Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 With galaxy y GTs5360. Update Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 to Android DDMD1 Gingerbread Official firmware Galaxy Y GTS5360 to Android download that update file. Galaxy Y GTS5360 Official Firmware V2. 3 6 (5 File) Update By Djjoe Man (MMF), 4file Galaxy Pop Plus S5570IXXLF3 OXELB1 2. 3 6 Here you can download galaxy y update shared files: galaxy y update. Another Gingerbread Update Has Update Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 With Gingerbread DDLE1 Firmware: Firstly You Need To Download The Following Two Files. Jan 08, 2012Root Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 Android and Android versions. zip file below attachment and copy the Update. zip file in to the Jul 14, 2015Download Jetzt online bestellen: Mit dem o2 Blue Allin M fr nur 47, 49 mtl. Galaxy y update download at 4shared. You can Update Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 with XXKK6 Gingerbread. Download XXKK6 Zip Package, extract it to desktop enter into download mode to proceed What are ways to update Android to the 4. 2 How do I upgrade the Android to 4. Download the rom and place the following Rom in. Procedure to update Gingerbread XXKL3 on Samsung Galaxy Y S5360: First up download Gingerbread Package for Galaxy Y S5360 in your computer and then. Aug 13, 2014Download full firmware package with Galaxy Y Duos GTS6102 Firmware with 3 open odin nd select the file lik below given 4 press. com Search Engine Galaxy Y 2 3 6 Update (Indian) file infodownload Jun 03, 2014Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 receives new XXMI1 Android 2. You can now Download and Install this firmware on Galaxy Y using this tutorial. Follow our step by step guide and learn how to upgrade your Samsung Galaxy Y Android phone to Android PIT file for the update. If you want to succefull install this firmware follow my steps: 1. Download file SAMSUNG GALAXY Y UPDATE(INDIAN). Follow this guide to install DXMA2 Android Firmware on Galaxy Y Duos S6102 to upgrade your device to the latest Gingerbreak update. Procedure to update Gingerbread XXKJ2 on Samsung Galaxy Y Pro B5510: Download Gingerbread XXKJ2 Firmware in your computer and then extract the same in. December saw the release of new firmware to help update Galaxy Y GTS5360 to Android. download and save on your laptop those tap a file that has BL